Professional Oriental Rug Cleaning In Naples Fl

Finding a professional rug cleaning specialist in Naples Fl begins with Oriental Rug Salon.

Oriental Rug Salon specializes in the cleaning and repair of area rugs, including handmade Oriental and Persian rugs, contemporary area rugs, antique tapestry rugs, and even the most basic accent rug. No matter your rug restoration or cleaning needs, your beloved rug will be in good hands.

Oriental Rug Salon is the “cleaner of choice” to many of our areas leading interior designers, rug collectors, restoration companies, and rug owners who cherish their area rugs and want them cleaned and pampered by hand.

Oriental Rug Salon is a Certified Partner with the prestigious Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) and the International Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI).  In addition, we are A+ Rated with the Better Business Bureau and a six-year-in-a-row-winner of the coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award.To get the right people to help you keep your space clean, learn this here now and know what needs to be done.

Unlike rug cleaning plants that use the impersonal approach to cleaning by “batch washing” up to twelve rugs at a time in an industrial washing machine, each rug trusted to Oriental Rug Salon is washed by hand.  This personal approach allows our certified-experienced professionals to monitor the cleaning process from start to finish and make adjustments as needed to the cleaning process.

Using the automated approach to cleaning, as many shops do,  means your rugs are washed with other clients’ rugs that may contain pet urine, athletes’ foot, and other contaminates.  At our plant, rugs are washed one at a time, using allergen-free cleaning solutions unique to your rug, in a bath of fresh, cool, pH conditioned water.

Oriental Rug Salon specializes in stain and odor removal, restoring flood and fire damaged rugs, pet urine treatments, minor and major rug repairs, insect treatments for wool and silk area rugs, fringe replacements, area rug appraisals,  as well as secure storage for client’s cherished area rugs.

Hand-knotted area rugs are beautiful and designed to last many generations with proper maintenance and cleaning. At Oriental Rug Salon, our only business is the cleaning, repair, and restoration of area rugs, and because of our reputation for quality and service, we receive area rugs from across the United States requesting our services weekly.

If we can ever be of service to you, please do not hesitate to visit us online at or give us a call any time at 239-424-8171.  We service all of Lee, Charlotte, and Collier County with FREE pick-up and delivery for most area rugs, and we are completely licensed, certified and insured.

Oriental Rug Salon is a Certified Partner with the international Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), the prestigious Carpet & Rug Institute CRI) and a Certified WoolSafe Service Provider.

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