Live Christmas Trees and Oriental Rugs – Be Careful.

Live Christmas trees are beautiful. They look good, and they smell even better!

However, where you place your live tree in the home should be a thoroughly thought-out process.

And here is WHY?

Most people like to place their Christmas tree in the living room where the family gathers.  Many of us who own wool or silk area rugs also want to put our cherished Oriental or Persian in the living room so that we can enjoy it year-round.

Placing our Christmas tree and area rug in the same room are fantastic ideas; placing our live tree on top of the area rug is a disaster waiting to happen, and here is why.  It is hard to crawl under the tree, and it’s even harder to see exactly how high the water is rising in the tree stand. I know – I’ve been there, But what’s not hard is overflowing the tree stand with water!


Flooding water onto your area rug fibers is one of the WORST accidents that can happen to your area rug and likely will cause PERMANENT DAMAGE by staining and possibly causing dye migration.

AND WORSE YET…. there is the real possibility over watering will also cause dry rot to set in.

Dry rot is the term given to rotting decay that deteriorates natural fibers such as wool, silk, and cotton.  Dry rot can not be washed out of an area rug, and the damage is permanent.

If you have the misfortune of finding one of your area rugs sitting in a puddle from overwatering your live Christmas tree, your area rug will need immediate attention.

If you experience a spill, do not delay and contact Oriental Rug Salon.  Our professionals will take the necessary steps to help mitigate the water intrusion while preventing further damage.

Oriental Rug Salon is a full-service area rug cleaning, repair, and appraisal company located in SW Florida and serving clients nationwide.  We are a Woolsafe Approved Service Provider,  nationally certified by the Carpet & Rug Institute and the prestigious Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification.

Our special certifications ensure your area rug will receive the utmost care.

For more information about Oriental Rug Salon and the services we provide. Please visit us at Oriental Rug or “call us on the carpet” anytime at 239-424-817.

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