How To Treat A Spill On An Oriental Area Rug

Oriental Rug Salon cleans thousands of rugs annually. Unfortunately, we’ve seen our fair share of rug owners using the wrong product to clean up a spill or treat pet urine, and their efforts ended in the permanent staining of their cherished area rug.

By panicking and going to the internet searching for a home remedy, if you choose the wrong one, you could permanently set the stain, thereby ruining the looks of your area rug.

In your daily routine and interactions with children, pets, and friends at your home, accidents such as spills or pet accidents will occur. It is crucial to act quickly and take the appropriate steps to address the problem because the correct spotting technique can avoid any permanent damage.

It is often easy to react incorrectly to the situation because of the desperation to get the spill cleaned up, but that is why it is vital to remain calm and know how to take the appropriate steps. Depending on the spill or when in doubt, you should consider having it professionally cleaned immediately.

Here are our Spots and Spills Procedures for Rugs

Please don’t wait too long to have your rug professionally cleaned by us after that spot and spill has occurred. We can pick up your rug, bring it to our rug spa, and clean it with our thoroughly exhaustive cleaning process.

Oriental Rug Salon is one of SW Florida’s top area rug cleaning company’s.  We are the “cleaner of choice” to many Oriental rug retailers, interior designers, rug collectors, restoration and insurance companies, and clients who love their Oriental, wool, or silk area rugs and want the best care.

Oriental Rug Salon is a Certified Partner with the prestigious Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) and the International Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI).  We are a WoolSafe Approved Service Provider, A+ Rated with the Better Business Bureau, and an eight-year-in-a-row-winner of the coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award.  Our cleaning efforts are performed by hand by experienced-certified technicians who work under the supervision of a Rug Master.

If our family can ever be of service to yours in the cleaning, restoration, storage, or appraisal of your cherished area rug, please give us a call anytime at 239-424-8171 or visit us online at

Oriental Rug Salon provides FREE pick up and delivery for most area rugs throughout Lee, Collier, and Charlotte County, FL.

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