Oriental Rug Flooded Due To Hurricane Ian?

We Can Help!

(Pictured here is our intake area of rugs received over the last 24 hours)

Oriental Rug Salon is the “cleaner of choice” to many of SW Florida’s leading interior designers, rug collectors, restoration companies, and rug owners who cherish their area rugs.
We specialize in Oriental and Persian rug cleaning, sanitizing, repairs, and appraisals.  Our 6,000 sq. ft. rug cleaning plant in Cape Coral, Florida, is staffed by experienced, certified rug cleaning professionals supervised by a Rug Master.
If your rug needs a thoroughly exhaustive cleaning or was involved in a flood due to Hurricane Ian, call us anytime at 239-424-8171.
If your area rug is involved in a water intrusion event, use a Shop Vac, extract as much water as possible, and use a fan to dry the area rug the best you can.  Flood waters can contaminate wool or silk area rugs, leading to dry rot, dye migration, and foul-smelling rugs.  Once you’ve extracted water from your rug, or if it is already dry, contact Oriental Rug Salon for a professional cleaning and odor treatment.
Oriental Rug Salon is certified as a Wool Safe Service Provider, Certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) and the International Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI).
For more information about Oriental Rug Salon and our services, please visit us online at www.OrientalRugSalon.com or “call us on the carpet” any time at 239-424-8171,  We service Lee, Charlotte, and Collier County and offer free pick-up and delivery for most area rugs.
You can also visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OrientalRugSalon/