Do Oriental Area Rugs Need Padding?

Oriental, Persian, Turkish, and all hand-knotted area rugs are an exquisite addition to any home, adding character, warmth, and a touch of luxury to your living spaces. While these beautiful textiles can be a significant investment, the value they bring to your home is priceless. To maintain the elegance and longevity of your cherished Oriental area rug, investing in quality rug padding is essential.

In this blog post, we will discuss the value of rug padding and how it can help protect your precious investment for years to come.

Area Rug Padding Enhances Comfort and Insulation

One of the primary benefits of using rug padding is its added comfort and insulation. The cushioning layer beneath your Oriental rug reduces the impact of foot traffic, making it softer and more comfortable to walk on. In addition, a well-chosen rug pad can act as an insulating barrier, helping to retain warmth during colder months and contributing to a cozier atmosphere in your home.

Area Rug Padding Protects Your Rug and Floors

Rug padding plays a crucial role in protecting both your Oriental rug and you’re flooring. The pad acts as a buffer, reducing friction between the rug and the floor, thus preventing premature wear and tear. This protective layer also shields your floors from scratches and scuffs, which the rug’s rough underside can cause. By investing in a quality rug pad, you can extend the life of your area rug and keep your floors in pristine condition.

Area Rug Padding Prevents Slips and Trips

Safety should always be a priority when it comes to home décor. A well-secured Oriental rug is less likely to slip, bunch up, or cause tripping hazards. Rug padding offers a non-slip surface, keeping your rug firmly in place and ensuring the safety of your family and guests. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas or homes with young children or elderly residents.

Area Rug Padding Reduces Noise

In addition to enhancing comfort and safety, rug padding can also help reduce noise levels in your home. The added cushioning layer helps absorb sound, making your living spaces quieter and more peaceful. This is particularly beneficial in apartments or homes with multiple floors, where sound can easily travel between rooms.

Area Rug Padding Simplifies Maintenance

A quality rug pad can make your Oriental rug easier to maintain, as it helps prevent dirt and debris from getting trapped between the rug and the floor. This makes vacuuming and cleaning more effective, ensuring your rug stays in excellent condition for years to come.

About Oriental Rug Salon

Oriental Rug Salon is a full-service rug cleaning, restoration, repair, and appraisal company serving clients throughout the United States.  We wash area rugs by hand to ensure the deepest clean possible, and an experienced Rug Master supervise our facilities.

For more information about Oriental Rug Salon, please visit us online at or call us at 239-424-8171. You can also visit us on Facebook at

Oriental Rug Salon is a WoolSafe Certified Service Provider, certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) and the International Carpet & Rug Institute.  Our cleaning solutions are allergen free and safe for pets, allergy sufferers, and infants.

Rug Padding Can Make All The Difference

A quality rug pad may seem like a minor detail, but it can significantly impact the longevity, appearance, and safety of your cherished Oriental area rug. Investing in a suitable rug pad is essential to protect both your rug and your floors and create a comfortable, safe, and peaceful living space. Don’t underestimate the value of this unsung hero; give your Oriental area rug the support it deserves with high-quality rug padding.