Expert Oriental and Persian Area Rug Cleaning in SW Florida

Welcome to Oriental Rug Salon, your premier destination for Oriental and Persian area rug cleaning, restoration, repair, and appraisal services throughout SW Florida. With a team of certified professionals, a Rug Master supervising all operations, and prestigious partnerships, we guarantee the utmost care and expertise for your cherished rugs.

Oriental Rug Salon is a Certified Partner with the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), the International Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI), and a WoolSafe Approved Service Provider. Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction makes us the “cleaner of choice” for rug collectors, interior designers, Oriental retail stores, insurance and restoration companies, and even court systems as expert witnesses. We offer FREE pick-up and delivery for most area rugs from Marco Island to Sarasota, Florida.

Oriental Rug Salon – A Higher Standard – A Cleaner Clean!

Oriental rugs are not just floor coverings; they are works of art woven with history, culture, and personal stories. At Oriental Rug Salon, we understand these treasures’ sentimental and monetary value better than most. Whether it’s a family heirloom or a recent purchase, our mission is to preserve and enhance the beauty of your rugs through expert cleaning, restoration, repair, and appraisal services.

Why Choose Oriental Rug Salon For Your Area Rug Care Needs?

Choosing the proper care for your Oriental and Persian rugs is crucial. But why should you trust Oriental Rug Salon with your precious pieces?

Certified Expertise: Our technicians are certified professionals supervised by a Rug Master. Our 6,000-square-foot facility has the capabilities to thoroughly clean any size or type of area rug, including antiques, animal hides, and Navajo rugs.

Prestigious Partnerships: We are affiliated with IICRC and CRI and are a WoolSafe Approved Service Provider.

Convenience: We offer free pick-up and delivery services for most area rugs from Marco Island to Sarasota.

Customer Satisfaction: Our experience, reputation, and certifications guarantee that your rug will receive the best care designed to enhance its beauty, extend its life, and preserve its value.

Certified Excellence

Our affiliation with the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), the International Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI), and WoolSafe means we adhere to the highest industry standards. These certifications ensure that our processes are safe, effective, and up-to-date with the latest advancements in rug care.

Our Oriental and Persian Area Rug Services

At Oriental Rug Salon, we offer a comprehensive range of services to meet all your rug care needs including:

Area Rug Cleaning

Professional, regular cleaning is essential to maintain the appearance, value, and longevity of your cherished rugs. Our cleaning process includes:

Inspection: Identifying the rug type, material, and any specific issues. All rugs are inspected with Xenon lighting to uncover hidden insects, bacterial, and pet urine issues. In addition, each rug undergoes a 24-hour dye migration test to determine the stability of the dyes prior to washing.

Dusting: Removing dry soil and dust particles that are out of reach to vacuum cleaners.  Each rug safely receives 40,000 vibrations per minute to dislodge deep-set soils, sand, dust mites, pollen and other contaminates prior to washing.

Washing: Using specialized cleaning solutions and techniques suited to the rug’s material, condition, and findings during the inspection process. Rugs are washed one at a time to ensure they receive the care they deserve.

Rinsing: Once the area rug has been cleaned, we use a pH conditioned cold water rinse to ensure that no residues are left behind and the rugs fibers have been conditioned.

Drying: Climate controlled drying to prevent damage. Rugs can be elevated on a specialized lift or dried flat on an air table depending on the rugs specific needs.

Final Inspection: The area rug is inspected to ensure the rug is clean and restored to its best condition.

Rug Restoration and Repair

Rugs can suffer from wear and tear, moth damage, or accidental spills. Our restoration and repair services include:

Reweaving: Repairing holes and worn areas.

Fringe Repair: Replacing or repairing damaged fringes.

Edge Binding: Reinforcing the rug’s edges to prevent unraveling.

Color Restoration: Reviving faded or stained colors or correcting dye migration issues.

Rug Appraisals

Understanding the value of your rug is important, whether for insurance purposes or personal knowledge. Our appraisal services provide:

Detailed Reports: Comprehensive analysis of the rug’s origin, age, condition, and market value.

Expert Witness Services: Professional evaluations for legal or insurance cases.

Free Pick-up and Delivery

We know that transporting large area rugs can be a hassle. That’s why we offer FREE pick-up and delivery for most area rugs from Marco Island to Sarasota, Florida. This service ensures your rug receives the care it needs without inconveniencing you.

Videos for Your Rug Care

We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge. Check out our informative videos on:

These videos provide valuable insights into maintaining your rugs between professional cleanings.

Attention to Detail

Our meticulous attention to detail is what sets us apart. Each rug is treated as a unique piece of art, deserving the utmost care and respect. From initial inspection to final delivery, our processes are designed to ensure your rug’s beauty and integrity are preserved.

Oriental Rug Salon | Trusted By The Professionals For Oriental and Persian Area Rug Care

Oriental Rug Salon is the trusted choice for many rug collectors, interior designers, Oriental retail stores, insurance and restoration companies, and court systems. Our clients rely on our expertise and dedication to quality, making us the go-to source for all their rug care needs.

Difficult Stains? No Problem!

Stains such as tea, coffee spills, dye migration, and pet accidents can be challenging to remove. Our advanced techniques and specialized solutions enable us to tackle these tough stains effectively, restoring your rug to its original glory.

Professional Oriental and Persian Area Rug Cleaning | Oriental Rug Salon

Your Oriental and Persian rugs deserve the best care possible. At Oriental Rug Salon, we combine expertise, certified excellence, and a passion for preserving their beauty. Whether you need cleaning, restoration, repair, or appraisal services, we are here to help.

For more information about Oriental Rug Salon and our Oriental and Persian are rug services, please visit us online at or call us at 239-424-8171. You can also visit us on our Facebook page at

Contact us today to schedule your service and experience the difference professional care can make.