Expert Online Oriental & Persian Rug Appraisal | Oriental Rug Salon

Welcome to the world of Oriental and Persian area rugs, where each piece tells a story of craftsmanship, culture, and history. If you’re a rug owner, understanding the value of your cherished area rug piece is crucial, whether for insurance purposes, resale, or simply for your own knowledge. In this blog post, we’ll explore what appraisers look for when evaluating Oriental and Persian rugs and how you can obtain a professional appraisal online through Oriental Rug Salon.

What Appraisers Look for in Oriental and Persian Rugs

Origin and Age

Our appraisers start by identifying the rug’s origin, as the place of manufacture significantly influences its value. We also estimate the rug’s age, as older rugs, especially antiques, are often more valuable.

Material and Craftsmanship

The quality of materials (such as wool, silk, or cotton) and the level of craftsmanship (knot density, dye quality) are critical factors in determining the rug’s worth. We also explore the quality of the wool, silk, and dyes used to create the area rug.

Condition and Restoration

The rug’s current condition, including any wear, tear, or restoration work, plays a significant role in its appraisal value.

Historical Significance

Rugs with a rich history or those that are rare or unique in design can have increased value. We dive into the history of the area rug, its construction, and the meaning of the motifs to decipher the rug’s story.

How to Obtain an Online Appraisal from Oriental Rug Salon

Submitting Your Rug Details

Visit Oriental Rug Salon’s website and complete the online appraisal form, providing clear images and detailed information about your rug.

Receiving Your Appraisal Report

Oriental Rug Salon’s experts will review your submission and provide a comprehensive appraisal report within 3-4 days of submission, including the rug’s value, origin, age, and historical data.

Understanding Your Appraisal

The report will give you a deeper understanding of your rug’s value and significance, which can be useful for insurance, resale, or personal knowledge. Interior designers and prospective rug purchasers also use our appraisals to make sure they don’t overpay for an area rug.

Benefits of Getting an Online Rug Appraisal

Obtaining an online appraisal is convenient and fast and provides a professional evaluation of your rug’s worth without needing to visit a physical location. Appraisals are also beneficial to let you know what a rug is worth BEFORE you make a purchase and overpay by thousands of dollars.

Rug Appraisals by Experts in Oriental and Persian Area Rugs

Oriental Rug Salon provides appraisal reports for insurance companies, the court system, interior designers, Oriental and Persian area rug retailers, estates, and rug owners who want to know more about their cherished area rug.

Oriental Rug Salon is a Certified Partner with the prestigious Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), the International Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI), and a WoolSafe Approved Service Provider. We provide hundreds of appraisal reports annually throughout the United States and offer online appraisals with a 3-4 day turnaround time.

For more information about Oriental Rug Salon and our online appraisal services, please visit us online at or call us at 239-424-8171.  You can also visit us on Facebook at

Know The History Of Your Oriental Rug and What It’s Worth

Knowing the value of your Oriental or Persian area rug is essential for various reasons. By understanding what appraisers look for and utilizing the online appraisal services of Oriental Rug Salon, you can ensure that your rug’s value is accurately assessed.