Professional Oriental and Persian Rug Cleaning | Oriental Rug Salon

Oriental and Persian rugs are not just floor coverings but works of art. Each rug tells a story, woven with care and precision, often passed down through generations. However, like any cherished possession, they require proper maintenance to preserve their beauty, value, and longevity. This is where professional rug cleaning comes into play, especially when entrusted to Oriental Rug Salon rather than a regular carpet cleaning company.

Reasons to Choose a Certified Rug Cleaning Professional

Expertise in Rug Types

Oriental Rug Salon has extensive knowledge, experience, and certification of different rug types, including Oriental and Persian rugs. We understand each rug’s unique characteristics and needs, ensuring a tailored cleaning approach.

Appropriate Cleaning Methods

Our professionals employ cleaning methods that are suitable for delicate, antique, and valuable rugs. We use gentle yet effective techniques to remove dirt and stains without causing harm to the fibers or colors of the area rug.  That’s why rug owners from around the country trust us to care for their area rugs.  Experience matters!

Preservation of Rug Integrity

Regular maintenance by certified professionals helps preserve the structural integrity of the rug. This includes preventing fraying, fading, insect invasion, and other forms of damage that can occur over time.

Health and Safety Considerations

A clean rug contributes to a healthier indoor environment. Oriental Rug Salon uses safe and eco-friendly cleaning solutions, reducing the risk of allergies, viruses, and other health issues. Our cleaning solutions are GOLD Certified and approved by the Carpet & Rug Institute.

Risks of Using a Carpet Cleaning Company For Oriental Rug Cleaning

Lack of Specialization

Carpet cleaning companies often lack the specialization required for Oriental and Persian rugs. Their one-size-fits-all approach may not be suitable for these unique and delicate items. Cleaning wall-to-wall carpeting is not the same as cleaning wool or silk textiles,  The cleaning solutions, expertise, water conditions, and care are different than what a carpet cleaner would use on nylon carpeting.  In addition, it is impossible to deeply clean a dense wool or silk area rug in the home.

Click on this link to view a video on why carpet cleaning technicians should not clean a wool or silk area rug in your home.

Potential Damage to Rugs

The use of harsh chemicals or inappropriate cleaning methods by non-specialists can lead to irreversible damage, such as color bleeding, dry rot, or weakening of the fibers.

Inadequate Cleaning Techniques

Carpet cleaners do not have the necessary equipment or techniques to thoroughly clean and dry these rugs in your home, leading to issues like mold or mildew growth. Before you trust the cleaning to just  anyone, make certain they have a dedicated rug cleaning plant, adequate insurance, and are certified.

Long-Term Effects on Rug Quality

Repeated cleaning by non-experts can gradually degrade the quality of the rug, affecting its appearance and value.

Benefits of Choosing Oriental Rug Salon For Your Oriental or Persian Area Rug Cleaning Needs

Certification and Expertise

Oriental Rug Salon is a Certified Partner with the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), the International Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI), and a WoolSafe Approved Service Provider. This ensures a high level of expertise and quality in our services. We are fully licensed and insured.

Customized Cleaning Approach

Oriental Rug Salon offers a personalized cleaning approach, considering each rug’s specific needs. This ensures that your cherished area rugs receive the care they deserve. Each rug goes through a 24-hour dye migration test, a full dusting, individualized bath specific to the rugs needs, a pH condition rinse, and dried in a controlled environment.  Upon completion, they are inspected by our Rug Master, and packaged for return home.  Clients are kept abreast of their rugs cleaning process by e-mail reports and photographs.

Free Pick-up and Delivery

For added convenience, Oriental Rug Salon provides free pick-up and delivery for most area rugs, making the cleaning process hassle-free for customers. We schedule delivery based around the clients convenience.

Turnaround Time and Convenience

With a seven-day turnaround for most area rug cleaning, customers can enjoy a quick and efficient service, ensuring their rugs are back in their homes quickly.

Cleaning Process at Oriental Rug Salon

  • Initial inspection and photographs supplied to client.
  • Each rug then undergoes a second inspection with Xenon lighting to identify any specific issues or areas that require special attention.
  • Safely dusting at 40,000 harmonic vibrations per minute and vacuuming to remove dirt, dust mites, pollen, pet dander , and other contaminates
  • Washing front and back as well as fringe.  Spot treatment of difficult stains and controlled drying
  • Specialized washing techniques for pet urine, if necessary, are used to gently clean and deodorize the rug, followed by a controlled drying process to ensure it retains its shape and quality.

Final Inspection and Delivery

After cleaning, the rug undergoes a final inspection by our Rug Master before being returned to the client, ensuring complete satisfaction.

Additional Services Offered by Oriental Rug Salon

Repair and Restoration

Oriental Rug Salon offers repair and restoration services to address any damage or wear, helping to extend the life of your rug. From fringe repair and replacement, to repairing holes and tears, our craftsmen are here to help.

Oriental and Persian Area Rug Appraisal

For those interested in the value or history of their area rugs, we provide appraisal services by industry experts who perform thousands of appraisals annually for rug collectors, court systems, law firms, insurance companies, Oriental and Persian rug retailers, as well as rug owners who cherish their area rugs and are interested in the rugs history and value.

Stain and Odor Removal

Specialized treatments are available to remove stubborn stains, pet urine issues, and odors, restoring the freshness and beauty of your rug.

Protection and Maintenance

We also offer protective treatments and maintenance advice to help keep your rugs in pristine condition for years to come. From area rug protection to insect preventive maintenance, Oriental Rug Salon is dedicated to preserving your cherished area rug.

Oriental and Persian Area Rug Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to have my Oriental or Persian rug cleaned by a certified professional?

Certified professionals have the expertise and equipment to properly clean and preserve these delicate and valuable rugs, ensuring they remain in excellent condition.

Can I clean my Oriental or Persian rug at home?

While regular vacuuming is recommended, deep cleaning should be left to certified professionals to avoid damage.

How often should I have my rug cleaned?

It’s generally recommended to have your rug professionally cleaned every 2-3years, depending on foot traffic and other factors. See our video on answering this question here.

Will the cleaning process harm my rug?

Our certified professionals will use gentle, appropriate methods to clean your rug without causing harm.

How long does the cleaning process take?

Oriental Rug Salon offers a seven-day turnaround for most area rug cleanings, providing a quick and efficient service.

Oriental Rug Salon – SW Florida’s Most Referred Area Rug Cleaning Company

As the “cleaner of choice” to many of SW Florida’s leading interior designers, floor covering specialists, rug collectors, Oriental and Persian Retailers, and thousands of clients who love their area rugs, Oriental Rug Salon’s expertise goes far beyond area rug cleaning.  We offer online and in-person area rug appraisals, Oriental and Persian area rug repairs, restoration, and storage services.

For more information about Oriental Rug Salon, visit us online at or on Facebook at You can also speak with us at 239-424-8171 for free estimates, advice on keeping your area rug pristine, or to simply “talk shop.”

When it comes to cleaning Oriental or Persian rugs, choosing a certified rug cleaning professional like Oriental Rug Salon is crucial. Our expertise, specialized services, and commitment to quality ensure that your treasured rugs are treated with the care and respect they deserve. Protect your investment and keep your rugs looking their best by entrusting them to Oriental Rug Salon.