Oriental Rug Care Throughout SW Florida

When caring for your cherished Oriental or Persian rugs, selecting the right service provider is crucial. Oriental Rug Salon, a leader in rug care throughout Southwest Florida, offers unmatched rug cleaning, restoration, appraisal, and repair expertise. This week’s guide delves into the importance of deep cleaning for your area rugs and explains why Oriental Rug Salon is your best choice for preserving their color, value, and lifespan.

The Importance of Professional Oriental and Persian Area Rug Cleaning In SW Florida

Preserving Color and Beauty

Oriental and Persian rugs are known for their handweaving, history, and intricate designs. Regular deep cleaning is essential to maintain their beauty. Dirt and grime can dull the colors of your rug and contribute to “traffic lanes” and face yarn damage.  With professional care, Oriental Rug Salon can ensure that your area rug receives the professional cleaning it deserves, thereby preserving its beauty, color, and value.

Extending Rug Lifespan

Your area rug is not just a decorative piece but an investment. Deep cleaning removes harmful substances that can degrade the fibers of your rug, thereby extending its lifespan. Oriental Rug Salon’s thorough cleaning ensures that every part of your rug is meticulously cared for, adding years to its life.

Unlike many rug cleaning plants that “batch wash” area rugs (throwing many into a tub at the same time), each rug trusted to Oriental Rug Salon is washed individually under the watchful eye of our Rug Master. We understand better than most that each rug has its own unique cleaning needs, and each wash is prepared specifically for the rug being washed. Our cleaning solutions are allergen-free and safe for pets and infants.

Protecting Your Investment

Oriental and Persian rugs can be valuable, both financially and sentimentally. Our specialists professionally clean them to maintain their value. Oriental Rug Salon understands the importance of your investment and treats every rug as a work of art.

Why Choose Oriental Rug Salon For Your Oriental and Persian Area Rug Care Needs?

Experienced and Certified Technicians

At Oriental Rug Salon, our technicians are experienced and certified in handling all rugs. They possess the knowledge and skills to address each rug’s unique needs, ensuring top-notch care and maintenance.

Before any rug is cleaned, it undergoes a 24-hour inspection and dye migration process. Our Rug Master evaluates each rug and prescribes a cleaning process for our professionals to follow. Every rug is photographed, and the client is sent copies of these photographs and any notes before the cleaning begins. Upon the client’s approval after they receive the report, the rug is scheduled for cleaning.

Prestigious Partnerships and Certifications

Oriental Rug Salon’s dedication to excellence is reflected in our partnerships and certifications. We are a Certified Partner with the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), the International Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI), and a WoolSafe Approved Service Provider. These certifications underscore our commitment to quality and expertise in rug care.

In addition to our industry certifications, we are the “cleaner of choice” to many of SW Florida’s leading interior designers, restoration specialists, Oriental rug and flooring retailers, rug collectors, insurance companies, and rug owners who want their rugs professionally cared for.

Beyond Ordinary Carpet Cleaning

Oriental Rug Salon is not a carpet cleaning company. We specialize in the specific needs of Oriental and Persian rugs. Our approach is tailored to preserve these exquisite pieces’ delicate fibers, dyes, and patterns, something carpet cleaners can’t offer. Our only business is the care and preservation of Oriental and Persian textiles.

And speaking of carpet cleaning companies, you should never allow a carpet cleaning company to “clean” your cherished area rug.  Please click on this video to discover why.

Oriental Rug Salon’s Services

Free Pick-Up and Delivery

Understanding our clients’ busy lives, we offer FREE pick-up and delivery for most area rugs throughout Lee, Collier, and Charlotte County, Florida. This convenient service ensures that your rug care is hassle-free and efficient.

Fast Turn-Around Time

We respect your time. Our average turn-around time for rug cleaning is just seven days. We strive to return your rug to you as quickly as possible without compromising on the quality of our work.

Comprehensive Oriental and Persian Area Rug Care

From gentle cleaning to pet urine treatments and intricate repair and restoration, our services cover every aspect of rug care. Trust us to rejuvenate your rug, no matter its condition.

Area Rug Appraisals

Oriental Rug Salon provides appraisals utilized by the court system, insurance companies, collectors, Oriental rug retailers, and rug owners seeking rug identification, historical data, and rug value for insurance, tax purposes, or curiosity.  For more information on our appraisal services, please follow this link.

Oriental Rug Salon – Your Oriental and Persian Area Rug’s Best Friend

Trust, Expertise, and Care

Oriental Rug Salon is the premier choice for Oriental and Persian rug care in Southwest Florida. Our combination of experienced technicians, prestigious certifications, and tailored services ensures that your cherished rugs are in the best hands.

For more information about our services, please visit us at https://orientalrugsalon.com/ or call us at 239-424-8171. You can also visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TruCleanSurfaceCareFL/

Don’t trust your precious rugs to just anyone; let Oriental Rug Salon preserve their elegance and value for years to come.